Friday, September 20, 2019

Tips On Choosing Energy-Efficient Windows

window-replacement-1-300x200.jpgHomes in the United States are mostly insulated for little to no heat dissipation in the winter and for keeping cool in the summer. This principle is applied to other aspects of the home including windows and doors and there’s a good reason for doing so. Did you know that the average home loses up to 30% of heating and cooling energy through windows and doors alone? It’s for this reason that window manufacturers started numerous projects, launching energy-efficient windows into the market. That’s also one reason why homeowners opt for more energy-efficient iterations when they get a window replacement.

Why should you consider energy-efficiency when getting a window replacement?

As stated earlier, without energy-conserving windows and doors, your home could easily lose 30% of heating and cooling energy. That’s just the minimum that could be lost. You could be spending a great deal of money on energy costs without being comfortable inside your home just because your window isn’t energy-efficient. This is one of the more practical reasons why you should get a top-rated, energy-conserving unit when having a window replacement in Myrtle Beach. The popular types of energy-efficient windows
  1. Triple glazed vinyl – this type of window has superior insulating properties. The three-layer protection allows for the window to become airtight and sturdy at the same time. It also offers passive solar energy, which basically allows heat in during the winter and out during the summer. It’s a pretty simple concept but a very useful one.
  1. Gas-filled windows – this concept is fairly new and not a lot of people know about them. Basically, gas-filled windows are filled with a certain type of gas to prevent condensation as well as provide a layer of insulation. Windows that are gas-filled are usually double-paned. The gas is forced in between the glass panes which removes any air and moisture.
  1. Wood-framed triple glazed window – despite the popularity of vinyl windows, wood is still one of the primary materials that are used to make windows and doors. Wood naturally has insulating properties, that when used correctly, can enable a home to save more on energy.
Why should you consider buying energy-efficient windows? In general, energy-efficient windows are more expensive than conventional types of windows. However, this higher upfront cost can be offset throughout the years of service. Energy-efficient windows can help save you a ton of money when done correctly. Be sure that your windows are installed by professionals, though. Most of the time, energy-efficiency greatly relies on how good the window contractor is. As important energy-conserving windows are, there should also be enough importance given to the installation process and the people installing them. Before you buy a new window, ask your local window contractor for more information. Asking around would greatly narrow down your options to the best ones. Overall, energy-efficient windows can save you more money in the long run than traditional windows.

In need of a window replacement or upgrade? Call MBHS Windows, Doors & Enclosures today!

MBHS Windows, Doors & Enclosures Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 843-492-4516

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